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Loretta Jaramillo

Lead Consultant


My Story

Hello and welcome to my webpage, let me start by telling you a little bit about me ...
I am and have been an Accountant by trade for about 30 plus years and with retirement in my near future I started thinking of a part time job to keep me busy but yet not have to put in 40 plus hours a week, but then thought why not start now.

I have always loved Scentsy, so while working a craft show one day I came across a really nice lady by the name of Marsha and we got to talking about Scentsy and the great opportunities I can get by becoming a Scentsy Consultant. A few months later I found Marsha's business card and was surprised that she remembered me when I called her, after talking for a few minutes plus her wonderful personalty I was hooked with the idea of becoming a Scentsy Consultant,

Thus my Scentsy business began and knowing that I can make people happy, make new friends and make extra money and start a business now and after retirement sounds good to me.

There is a warmer and a fragrance for everyone. Let me introduce you to the world of Scentsy.

What's warming in my home